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The Splendor Hotel, Taichung

Up to 50% savings on dining


With The Platinum Card® or American Express® Platinum Credit Card, you can enjoy special savings of up to 50% at Brasserie of The Splendor Hotel in Taichung.

Number of diners Savings
1 diner 15%
2 diners 50% 
3 diners 33% 
4 diners 25% 
5 diners 20% 
6-12 diners 15% 
13 diners or more 10% 



Offer Period:

June 2, 2018 to December 31, 2018



Merchant's Address(es):

Merchant Address Phone
The Splendor Hotel Taichung No. 1049, Jianxing Rd., Taichung City, Taiwan +886-4-2328-8000



Eligible Card(s):