American Express Travel Australia

Terms and Conditions



Please Read These Online Terms And Conditions ("Terms And Conditions") Carefully As They Are The Basis Upon Which Online Travel Bookings Through This Website ("Online Travel Booking") Are Accepted By American Express International, Inc. Trading As American Express Travel Service ("American Express").

1. Legal Contract

When you (the person using this website) click to make a booking with us, legal obligations arise and your right to refund of monies charged to your Credit Card or Charge Card issued by American Express Australia Limited ("American Express Card") or paid in any other way agreed by us, are limited by our terms and conditions and by the conditions of the particular travel supplier. You must not make any Online Travel Booking through this website ("Site") unless you understand and agree with all our Online Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions").

2. Changes to Terms & Conditions

American Express reserves the right to amend or change all or any part of these Terms and Conditions at any time. This includes amendments or changes to Section 24 Policies on Additional Fees and Refunds. You agree that it is your responsibility to check these Terms and Conditions regularly for any changes when you use this website to make an Online Travel Booking with us.

3. Liability

3.1. By using American Express' online travel service Site you agree that, subject to certain rights and remedies you have under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and similar State and Territory laws in Australia which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, neither American Express nor any American Express subsidiary or related company or representative shall be liable for any loss, injury or damage to you or your belongings or otherwise arising in any way out of the provisions of travel services to you and American Express excludes all other conditions and warranties implied by custom, law or statute.

You also agree that:

(a) all information and other content on this website is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied; and

(b) American Express (and its suppliers and licensors) expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; and

(c) American Express does not warrant that any of the functions contained on this website or your access to this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that any defects will be corrected or that this website or the server on which this website is stored are free of viruses or any other harmful components; and

(d) American Express does not warrant or make any representation regarding your access to, or the results of your access to, this website (including any related or linked websites) or any information on this website in respect of correctness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability or otherwise, and you (and not American Express), assume the entire cost of any necessary verification, maintenance, repair and/or correction of any relevant information or other content.


3.2. Under no circumstances (including but not limited to any act or omission on the part of American Express) will American Express or any of its affiliates, suppliers or licensors be liable for any loss of profits or any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damages whatsoever which result from any use of or access to, or any inability to use or access, the website or anything contained on, or missing, from the website.


3.3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the liability of American Express for breach of any implied warranty or condition which by law cannot be excluded is limited at the option of American Express to the following:

(a) in the case of services supplied or offered by American Express:

(i) the supply of the services again, or

(ii) the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again; and

(b) in the case of goods supplied or offered by American Express:

(i) the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods, or

(ii) the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods.

4. Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions and your use of the American Express website is governed by the laws of the State or Territory of Australia as stated on your billing address or if your billing address is overseas, as stated on your last known Australian billing address and the courts of that State or Territory shall have jurisdiction over all parties to the Agreement.

5. Unlicensed Entity Disclaimer

If you request American Express to arrange for the provision of products or services by a person or company which is not licenced in accordance with any applicable law, American Express accepts no liability (whether in contract, for negligence or otherwise) for any loss or damage suffered by you or any third party as a result.

6. Licence Information

American Express International, Inc. (ABN 15 000 618 208) trading as American Express Travel Service, incorporated with limited liability in Delaware, USA.

7. Responsibility

Products and services are sold by American Express as an agent for airlines, hotels, car hire companies, tour companies, travel insurance companies, cruise operators and any other suppliers providing travel related services via this website.


American Express is not a provider of such travel related services and has no responsibility for such services provided or not provided by any party. Accordingly, by using these services in your Online Travel Booking, you agree to seek remedies directly with the supplier and, subject to applicable law, not to hold American Express nor its related companies, employees or representatives liable in contract or tort (actionable wrong) for any loss, costs, expense, injury, accident or damage to person or property caused directly or indirectly from either:
(a) the acts or omissions of such suppliers or

(b) any event beyond American Express' control including, but not limited to, war, civil disturbance, fire, flood, acts of God or Government or other authorities, accident to machinery or failure of machinery or equipment, or industrial action.


All tickets, coupons, exchange orders, vouchers and receipts are issued subject to the appropriate tariffs and terms and conditions of sale of suppliers and these terms. American Express act as an agent and have no responsibility, and extend no guarantees for discontinued promotions, airfares or specific holiday products or other travel related services.

8. Supplier's Conditions

All coupons, receipts and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by the suppliers. By accepting the coupons and tickets and utilising our services or confirming your Online Travel Booking, you agree that, apart from certain rights you have under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) that we cannot alter, neither American Express nor any subsidiary or related company or representative shall be liable for any loss, injury or damage to you or your belongings or otherwise arising in any way out of our services to you.

9. Special Conditions for Airfares

There are numerous rules and regulations affecting air fares and particularly discounted airfares, which involve substantial cancellation or amendment fees, and in some instances there are no refunds whatsoever on cancelled air tickets should you need to amend or cancel your travel plans. If you have any queries regarding these fees please do not hesitate to contact our office. You must read the rules and check the conditions applicable to every airfare and ensure that you accept those rules and conditions before you make an Online Travel Booking. If the rules and conditions are not displayed you should contact our office. Once you confirm an Online Travel Booking and make payment you are bound by the rules and conditions applicable stated by the relevant supplier(s).

10. Special Conditions for other Travel Services

These Terms and Conditions apply generally to all the products sold by American Express through an Online Travel Booking. Some travel related services also have special conditions applying to them, including the Cruise and Cruise Package Conditions outlined below in Schedule 1. Airlines, hotels, car hire, tour operators, cruise lines and other travel suppliers have various other terms and conditions relating to the purchase of these goods and services, some of which may involve substantial cancellation or amendment fees, and in some instances there may be no refunds whatsoever on cancelled travel related services should you need to amend or cancel your travel plans. Some of those terms will be displayed in the rules applicable to a particular product, but not all. For example, travel suppliers often limit or exclude liability in respect of death, personal injury, delay and loss or damage to baggage, however we do not have those conditions to display. It is your responsibility to check those terms and conditions before making an Online Travel Booking through American Express.

11. Frequent Flyer or Travel Supplier Loyalty Program Customers

Please note:
i) If you are a frequent flyer member, please retain your air ticket & boarding pass or any other documentation as evidence of point eligibility. American Express is not able to obtain copies of your air ticket & does not accept liability for points accrual or missing points. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the loyalty program of each airline with which you are an enrolled member.

ii) If you are a hotel loyalty program member, when booking hotels through American Express Travel Online, your hotel loyalty program benefits may not apply. It is your responsibility to check with the hotel first if you will receive benefits when booking through a wholesaler and not direct with the hotel. American Express is not able to assist in adding loyalty program benefits should your online booking not be eligible.

12. Online Travel Booking Details, Dates and Reservations

The details and timings for all sectors and other items shown on your itinerary and or ticket are subject to change. Therefore American Express recommends that you reconfirm all reservations with the applicable airline or travel supplier at least 72 hours before departure or redemption. American Express does not accept responsibility for amended flight timings or flight numbers, or any other amendment made, or delay by any travel supplier. American Express Travel Online booking lead time restriction may apply and vary between 24-72 hours.

13. Travel Documentation and Arrangements

You are responsible for determining and obtaining proper documentation such as passport, visa and health requirements and all other relevant documentation and arrangements.  If you are driving overseas, you may require an International Driving Permit (IDP) also known as an international driver’s licence, as well as your domestic driver’s licence. Please note that copies or digital copies of your licence will not be accepted at the rental desk. You will need to present original documents at the time of pick-up. The final responsibility for ensuring all documentation is correct and complete and all other requirements are satisfied rests with the individual traveller.

14. Destination Enquiries

You should enquire about local issues and conditions at overseas destinations prior to travel. American Express Travel Services makes no representations as to the safety, conditions or other issues that may exist at any destination. Travel advice can be obtained from various sources, including local governments, local consular offices and the website of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade at

15. Photo Identification

All airlines require the production of photo identification when checking in with an e-ticket. Your identification must match with the name of the passenger on the ticket or travel documentation. Presentation of photo identification may also be required for car hire, accommodation and other travel related services.

16. Passport

All individuals departing from Australia must be in possession of a valid passport. If your passport is due to expire within six months of your return arrival back in Australia then under normal circumstances you should obtain a new passport. Should you be travelling on a travel document other than an Australian Passport you may require a visa or permit to re-enter Australia.

17. Visa Requirements

Certain countries require a visa for entry prior to arrival. Please ensure you are fully informed of the requirements before you make a reservation as visas can take some time to obtain. The consulate or representative office of the relevant country will be able to advise requirements.

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Travel services provided by American Express International, Inc. ABN 15 000 618 208. Incorporated with limited liability in Delaware, USA.