Achieve Greater Control and Visibility With Corporate Card

Achieve Greater Control and Visibility With Corporate Card

Corporate Cards offer a broad range of solutions that go far beyond cash flow assistance. The emphasis has now shifted to customer experience and convenience, with online tools and rewards created to enhance working processes for both companies and employees.

Shure Asia Limited is a company that has realized the benefits offered by Corporate Card programmes. The subsidiary of an American audio product manufacturer, Shure Asia distributes, sells and markets their product portfolio across Asia – most significantly in Hong Kong, China and Japan. The company’s Regional Finance Associate Director, Mr. Peter Schulz, recognized Shure’s manual system wasn’t living up to modern day expectations surrounding employee convenience, expense reconciliation times, spend visibility, and compliance control, so he looked for a solution.

Mr. Schulz and his finance team implemented the American Express Cathay Pacific Corporate Card programme to help solve these issues – and the Card solution has had a demonstrable effect on the way they work.

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Additional Resources

Assistance Online – Winning The Time vs. Money Battle With Corporate Card Solutions

American Express online tools enhance company cash flow and bring invaluable convenience to…

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Better Risk Management


The American Express Corporate Card Program helps small companies grow by providing…

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