Big Buying Power for Small Businesses

Big Buying Power for Small Businesses

Extra purchasing power can make a big difference for a small businesses.


  • Hong Kong’s small businesses need to improve their cash flow in order to grow
  • American Express Business Cards provide up to 51 days of credit
  • Our cards come without preset limits and they include valuable rewards program

A Cash Flow Solution

Hong Kong’s small independent business owners have run into a brick wall in their search for the extra cash flow that is so crucial to running and expanding their companies. Getting your bank to extend a line of credit to your business can take up to six months — if they say yes. Lack of cash flow may have robbed you of new business opportunities and increased the stress of operating your own company.

Many small businesses are instead turning to charge cards. Some small business owners simply use their personal credit card for business purposes. That works, but it’s not ideal. Having a charge card in your company’s name is better for your company’s image, and it makes it easier on your accountant when tax season comes around.

American Express Business Cards provide your small company with up to 51-day credit free days1 that can have a significant impact on your company’s cash flow. Our cards are popular among small Hong Kong businesses that need to make big purchases but don’t have the necessary cash flow. American Express increases their purchasing power, which in turn allows them to operate more freely during peak demand seasons and expand their business.

Our clients include antique or art dealers that make large auction purchases in foreign currencies in addition to considerable international travel — all of which can be paid for using their American Express. Other small businesses include restaurants and retail shops that place large orders to keep their shelves stocked. We’ve also seen our cards benefit new businesses, allowing them to quickly ramp up production or distribution without having to worry about cash flow. However, companies must have two years of trading records in order to be eligible for the card.

Cardmember Benefits

One of the key features of American Express Business Cards is that there is no preset spending limit2. We extend credit to you based on your spending and payment behaviors, so if you make big purchases and always your full bill pay on time, there is no limit to the impact our cards can have on your business.

Another benefit is our rewards program, which usually benefit the business owner directly. As an owner, you can also collect rewards on cards issued to your employees, enhancing the benefits of our payment solution.

American Express offers a range of cards suitable for small Hong Kong businesses, each with unique rewards programs, credit offerings and other services.

Contact us at 2277 3310 or CLICK HERE to find out which payment solution best suits your business needs.

  1. Actual credit-free period will vary based on the date of charge and the billing cycle cut-off date
  2. No pre-set spending limit does not mean unlimited spending. Your purchases are approved based on a variety of factors, including current spending patterns, your payment history, credit records and financial resources known to us.

Additional Resources

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American Express Explorer Credit Card

Don’t have an American Express Card yet?

Learn more about what the American Express® Business Gold Rewards Card has to offer