American Express®
About Cookies



Effective Date: 26/09/2024


About Cookies & Similar Technologies


American Express Services Europe Ltd., American Express Payment Services Ltd and American Express Europe LLC) (“American Express”) (hereinafter “we”) is committed to providing you with full and transparent information about the use of cookies and similar technologies, such as pixels, web beacons and tags (together “cookies”), on our website and applications (including online services on our website, such as application forms) and in emails sent to you.


This Cookie Policy provides you with information on cookies used on this website and how you can make choices about them.


For more information on how we process your personal information, please refer to our Online Privacy Statement


Please note that our Cookie Policy does not apply to the privacy practices of third-party websites that may be linked to or accessed from this website, and that we are not responsible for such practices.



What is a cookie?


Cookies are small text files containing small amounts of information that are placed on your PC, mobile device or tablet whenever you visit a website. When you visit our website, we use cookies to collect information about your use of this website, such as information about the device or browser you use to access it, your operating system, your web browser, how you interact with our website, the website or application that led you to us, your general location and your device’s IP address. You may not be able to perform certain activities within our secure online services unless these cookies are present.


Certain cookies contain personal information. For example, if you click on “remember me” when logging in to a website or application, a cookie will store your username and preferences.


Cookies may remain on your device for different periods of time. Some cookies, called “session cookies”, are temporary and are automatically deleted when you close your browser or when your session ends. Other cookies, called “persistent cookies”, are stored on your device until you delete them or your browser deletes them when the cookie expires.


Cookies we use and their characteristics

Changing cookie preferences


You can manage your cookie preferences through our website and/or change your browser settings at any time, as described below:


a) Through our website


You can choose to accept or decline our website’s functionality, performance and marketing/social media cookies in the banner that appears the first time you visit our website or by clicking on the menu bar to the left of this page “Set Cookie Preferences”.


Your choices will not delete any existing cookies already placed on your device by our website but will prevent further cookies from being placed.


If you wish to delete the cookies that are currently stored on your device, you cannot do this through our website. Instead, you must do this through your browser settings (see below).


The choices you make on our website will be stored and applied for six months from the date you make the choice or until you delete all existing cookies through your web browser settings (this will also delete the record of your choices). The next time you access our website after the expiry of the six-month period or if you delete your cookies through your browser settings, you will be prompted to provide your choice again.


b) Through your browser settings


If you prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from or any other website, you can use your browser to do so. Each browser is different and your browser’s “Help” function will show you how to proceed. Please note that if you choose to disable essential cookies, it will affect how our website works. For example, while you will still be able to view the public website, you will not be able to log in securely to check your transactions or make payments.


Use of other websites


When you use links to other websites that we provide to you, we recommend that you carefully read the privacy and cookie policies of those websites.


Please note that any choice about cookies that you may have provided on our website will not be applicable on non-American Express websites.

Cookie as part of emails


We use cookies to track whether emails we send to you are read or not and which links or URLs you clicked on within those emails. We use this information to determine the effectiveness of our communications and to help us better tailor the emails and online advertising that we may send you in the future.


You can disable cookie in emails by changing the settings of your device or email programme (generally, you can do this by disabling the automatic image loading function).

Contacting us


If you have questions about this Policy or the use of cookies, please contact our Data Protection Officer at


You can also write to us at: American Express Services Europe Limited, 1 John Street, Brighton, BN88 1NH


Changes to our Cookie Policy


We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time. When we make such changes, we will update the effective date at the top of this page.