5 Min Read | Last updated: September 13, 2024

7 Budgeting Tips to Help You Save More Money

These seven tips for budgeting money can help move you closer to your financial goals – and may increase your happiness, too.

A daughter is sitting on her father's lap with a calculator, while the father reviews some documents.

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Planning for a better financial life usually starts with budgeting.

It’s important to thoroughly understand your income and expenditures.

Look for small ways to save — and don’t forget to invest in yourself, too.

Whatever your goals, achieving them usually starts with a plan. Whatever your financial goals — education, retirement, homebuying, a car, vacation — the best way to plan for them usually is to make a monthly budget.  


Your budget is a plan to end each month a little closer to your goals — and perhaps a little more financially secure, too. According to a U.S. Federal Reserve survey, 37% of families were unable to cover a $400 financial setback — and we all know that unforeseen circumstances can happen.1 If following a budget helps you handle an unexpected setback, you’re likely to sleep better. And if the setback never comes, you’ll be that much further along toward your education, homebuying, or vacation goal.

Budgeting Tip #1: Know Your Income and Expenses

One way to start is by figuring out what you’re earning and spending now. For each of the past few months, what money came in — through jobs, gig economy work, and other sources?


Pay attention to variances in income. Some you might be able to predict: Maybe you have a seasonal job that brings in regular income for a few months of the year. Others may or may not be predictable: For example, you may not know whether you’ll receive a holiday bonus. If unsure, it’s a good idea to err on the side of slightly underestimating income and overestimating expenses.

Budgeting Tip #2: Tracking Expenses Is Worth the Effort

It’s typically harder to track spending than income since you usually get income in only one or a few ways but you spend in many different ways. You could try the zero-based budgeting technique, in which you assign a specific “job” to every dollar of income you anticipate in a month — including savings — leaving nothing unaccounted for.


Another way to track spending more easily is to join the growing ranks of people who pay by credit card, debit card, or other electronic means, all of which are more readily tracked. The Fed reports that credit and debit card use makes up more than 60% of monthly transactions, while cash makes up 16%.2 Using cards may help make it easier to track expenses and might help you build points or rebate value from your card provider.

Budgeting Tip #3: Pay Yourself First

Another favorite expert recommendation is to “pay yourself first.” This means prioritizing how much money you want to move into a savings account every month, which you can do once you’ve tracked your income and expenses and assigned jobs to every dollar. And once you know how much you can afford to pay yourself, you may be able to automate the money transfer so you don’t have to remember. If you do that, then it becomes a greater effort not to save than to save. 

Budgeting Tip #4: Look for Small Expenditures that Add Up

When you do your expense tracking, you may find small expenditures adding up to more than you realized. For years, the classic example was daily visits to the coffee shop, but nowadays it might be delivery meals or streaming services that you don’t really use much anymore. Would a smart thermostat — and a few gradual temperature adjustments — help you cut excess heat or air conditioning costs? Is your smartphone on the most cost-effective data plan, or are you getting extra-usage charges every month? Are data-hungry media, social, and photo backup apps set to Wi-Fi only?

Budgeting Tip #5: For Bigger Expenses, Think Big Picture

Often, major expenses come with additional expenses trailing quickly behind, and many people forget to take those into account. But it’s important to think about the big picture when it comes to bigger purchases. For example, if you’re buying a car, consider the total cost of ownership — from gas mileage to repair and insurance costs. If you’re buying a house, you’ll also want to account for property taxes, home insurance, maintenance, landscaping — you get the idea. Potential new homeowners can read more in “Budgeting Tips for New Homeowners.” 


And don’t forget: Big expenses aren’t necessarily only about consumption. Sometimes they can be an investment. It’s also a good idea to look at the bigger picture when planning for expenses that’ll return dividends, such as education that earns certificates or credentials that might get you a raise.

Budgeting Tip #6: Track How You’re Doing, and Adjust

If you put in the work to track income and expenses, spend some time at the end of the month to see how it all worked out. Were there financial missteps you might want to take a different approach with next month? Does your budget need to be tweaked upward in one category and cut elsewhere to compensate? What’s changed since you prepared your budget? What looks like it might change soon — and how should your budget change in anticipation? 

Budgeting Tip #7: Accentuate the Positive

Money is deeply connected to all sorts of emotions. Whether on your own or with a partner, it’s important to take a positive approach to finances. A good way to do that is to focus on the better life your budget can help you build. What’s more, finding a quiet time and a pleasant place to do your budgeting may help lower stress, while apps and financial service websites might help simplify and automate the budgeting process. 

The Takeaway

A budget helps make it likelier that you’ll achieve your financial goals. These seven budgeting tips might help you set your priorities more intentionally, reduce financial stress — and help you get closer to those goals.

Headshot of Bill Camarda

Bill Camarda has more than 30 years’ experience writing about business, technology, and finance. He is author or co-author of 19 books on information technology.


All Credit Intel content is written by freelance authors and commissioned and paid for by American Express. 

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