Viewing Transactions

A log of transaction data is displayed under the "Transactions" tab within the Payments section of the Merchant Center. You can search for specific transactions by location and date range to change the information displayed in the table.


Note: For newly enrolled users, Payments data will be available within four hours.

Screenshots of all transactions

You have the ability to customize the column data you want displayed for each Transaction in the tabular view. To change the settings of the columns displayed, click on the "gear" icon located at the top of the first column in the data table. There, you can add, remove, or reorder columns for your table using the drag and drop functionality.

Screenshot of column customization options

Within the table, depending on the width of your browser, you may see the ability to expand the table horizontally to display additional columns.

You can also download transaction data in .CSV, .XLS, or .PDF formats.

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